Thursday, April 20, 2006

Thinking Outside of the Box

Hello again. Sorry that it has taken so long to get to our second official post up. As many might have guessed, we are not in fact dead, we have just have been buried in boxes...

By the by, many apologes to anyone who has tried to send us mail in the last couple of weeks. Unfortunately, due to a routing error, the post office had stopped mail delivery at our old address but had not started it at the new. Result: paycheck stubs, new checks, and any letters that anyone sent are/were in outer space for a while. If mail bounced back, we do apologize, please send it again. We love getting mail! I promise that mail is getting here now-- albiet a little slow-- at least four to five business days from Fort Wayne to here.

Also, due to a technical problem (as in I technically misplaced the cord), I have been unable to upload all the cool pictures that I have taken with my camera. Hopefully, this weekend a trip to Best Buy is in order, and we will post some pictures.

We have finally gotten everything unpacked, which is not to say that we have a place for everything. However, on the whole, the place is pretty well put together, and we have started to find some version of normalcy. Kasia has even decided to climb out from under the bed for whole days now. Joe is getting set into his job and learning a ton about the financial world. I have been interviewing all this week and have more job applications lined up. Let's just hope that there is a really cool job waiting for me! Anyway, we have both gotten to really enjoy public transit. The 45-minute train ride to downtown provides plenty of time to read, listen to music, or catch up with eachother. I think that we might make a career out of running a school to teach people basic hygiene... cover mouth THEN cough/sneeze/whatever. Other than that, I am sure that we will have immune systems of steal after the next couple of years. I think that is it for now. More text and (hopefully) pictures to come this weekend.

Thanks for all the calls and e-mails (and mail, even if it didn't get here) from everyone. We really appreciate it!!

B, J, and the fuzzy children